Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dipole Gravity is Not Radiative

For the last 90 years since the inception of general relativity, people in the field of gravitation have been deeply indoctrinated by the fixated concept that there is only Newtonian gravity and the radiative gravitational quadrupole moment and nothing else that may be considered significant. Too many of the researchers in the field have passed away without ever seeing the day when someone proved there is meaningful gravitational dipole moment.

There is an unbelievable resistance against dipole gravity, blindly believing the faulty concept of the non-existing gravitational dipole moment.

Who can argue that there is not a religious aspect of human reaction even in the purest field of science like physics. It is like a gigantic mental block.

And some people even seem to think that dipole gravity would be radiative if it exists.

However, what the theory of dipole gravity shows is that dipole gravity is a static field like Newtonian gravity. It is static because angular momentum is conserved. The conservation of angular momentum makes dipole gravity to be static yet manageable. It may not be permanently static like Newtonian gravity, but it will last very long once created in the absence of the frictional energy loss.

One may say that it is in between the permanent static and being radiative. If the dipole rotor have rotational imbalance, it will vibrate and eventually lose energy by the radiative loss where the role of the gravitational quadrupole moment become significant.

However, one can not make a gravitational dipole moment to be radiative.

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