Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dipole Gravity is Not Radiative

For the last 90 years since the inception of general relativity, people in the field of gravitation have been deeply indoctrinated by the fixated concept that there is only Newtonian gravity and the radiative gravitational quadrupole moment and nothing else that may be considered significant. Too many of the researchers in the field have passed away without ever seeing the day when someone proved there is meaningful gravitational dipole moment.

There is an unbelievable resistance against dipole gravity, blindly believing the faulty concept of the non-existing gravitational dipole moment.

Who can argue that there is not a religious aspect of human reaction even in the purest field of science like physics. It is like a gigantic mental block.

And some people even seem to think that dipole gravity would be radiative if it exists.

However, what the theory of dipole gravity shows is that dipole gravity is a static field like Newtonian gravity. It is static because angular momentum is conserved. The conservation of angular momentum makes dipole gravity to be static yet manageable. It may not be permanently static like Newtonian gravity, but it will last very long once created in the absence of the frictional energy loss.

One may say that it is in between the permanent static and being radiative. If the dipole rotor have rotational imbalance, it will vibrate and eventually lose energy by the radiative loss where the role of the gravitational quadrupole moment become significant.

However, one can not make a gravitational dipole moment to be radiative.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rotational Velocity Curve Fitting with Dipole Gravity

The study of the solar planetary motions provides us with the information regarding the mass of the Sun, the mass of the planet and its distance from the Sun. The reason that this is possible is because Newtonian gravity with his dynamics accurately predicts the orbital motion of the planet with those parameters. In this specific case, there are only three parameters involved, the mass of the Sun, the mass of the planet and the distance between them. The way those parameters are mathematically related is by the simple potential functional form M1xM2/r.

So, in general, this should be the way a correct theory of the nature works; it provides us with the physical and mechanical insight into the cosmological bodies in motion.

The data from the observed rotational velocity curves and the jets, when interpreted by dipole gravity, will do exactly the same. It provides us with the information regarding the rotational frequency, the geometrical configuration and the mass of the galactic core.

The fine tuning problem of the dark matter hypothesis would be largely due to the minute differences in the individual core's physical properties apart from the added mass required problem near the center which can be attributed to the fact that the superposed radial component of the dipole gravity force, which is relatively short ranged compared to Newtonian gravity, strengthens the overall pulling force of the gravity(near the center).

Dipole gravity has several key parameters but some of them are not totally independent. For example, the range of the dark matter halo population is directly related to the length of the jets. The most significant one would be the strength of the gravitational dipole moment itself which is expressed by the mass times the length element which is the shifted relativistic center of mass. So, the gravitational dipole moment is not completely independent from the mass of the galactic core. The information of the shifted center of mass will in turn give the information on how fast the core is rotating and how the geometrical configuration of the core will look like. In fact, this should have been expected bacause the Lens-Thirring force at the center of the rotating spherical shell had the rotational frequency dependent forces on both the axial and radial directions. By assuming that the core will take the most efficient geometry, and also using the variational technique, the overall configuration will become transparent.

One more additional parameter needed may be the mass of the dark matter halo which is given by the mass populated within the unit radial length which may not depend on any other parameters. The reason that the total mass of the dark matter is so large may be due to the sheer size of the volume of the space they are populated although the density itself may be very small.

One of the quick examples of the success of dipole gravity is in the globular clusters. Since there is no significant rotation of the core inside the globular clusters, the rotational velocity curve falls rapidly near the center instead of rising up because there is no contribution of the force from dipole gravity in such cases.

The various forms of the rotational velocity curves can be fitted by the enough number of the parameters all of which have direct mechanical significances regarding the galactic center. On the other hand, MONDian cosmology with its minimal number of adjustable parameters doesn't provide any new insight into the mechanical properties of the core of the galaxies while predicting the curves so well. So, it would be interesting to investigate why that is the case in the light of dipole gravity.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Is Dipole Gravity the Fifth Force?

Dipole gravity is integrated into the gravity by virtue of the principle of general relativity. But the nature of dipole gravity is fundamentally different from Newtonian gravity because one can not be derived from the other.

The reason they are related as gravity is because the two forces share the same principle of equivalence within the paradigm of general relativity. However, if one assumes that an advanced civilization happened to discover dipole gravity separately from Newtonian gravity (they would eventually have to find a theory that incorporates both forces within the unifying paradigm, which will be equivalent to general relativity), it wouldn't be obvious for them to see that dipole gravity is a part of a grandeur scheme of gravity.

It would be an interesting mental exercise to speculate if it would be possible for a civilization to discover dipole gravity completely isolated from Newtonian gravity without first finding a guiding principle like general relativity.

Let's assume that some inventor(s) of the advanced civilization accidentally, while playing with a fast rotating hemispherical rotor, found the abnormal directional force, before anyone could have figured out a theory like general relativity, if that happens, the principal investigator would have named it the "fifth force".

Dipole gravity found in such a way would be considered having nothing to do with the conventional gravity because the way the force acts onto the other matters in the universe is totally different from that of Newtonian gravity.

So, in principle, there is nothing that prevents dipole gravity from being named as the fifth force of the nature.