Thursday, October 28, 2021

God Particle

The secret of the truth in science can be found only by making it simple and transparent. Adding more unprovable hypothesis can not make the understanding of the universe simpler. In this sense, I can not keep silent about the nature of the neutrinos. According to the recently performed experiment by me and my coauthor Dr. Dennis Edmondson, we found that neutrinos do have small magnetic monopole charge of north pole kind. The strength of the magnetic monopole charge turned out to be extremely small to affect the planetary gravitational physics. Since many physcists have already speculated that neutrinos may be tachyons, we can estimate the speed of neutrinos as a magnetic monopole in relation to the quantum effect. There is still no clear understanding on what exactly prevents the atomic electrons from collapsing into the nucleus. The known quantum mechanics does not explain why electrons keep orbiting nucleus or in case of s orbit electrons what keeps kicking the electrons afloat against the strong positive electrostatic charge of the nucleus. 

Surprisingly, the tachyonic magnetic monopole neutrinos traveling randomly in the space explains why this quantum phenomena happens. It only takes the Maxwell's equation to be symmetric in magnetic and electric charge. What we are seeing here is that cause of the asymmetric nature of Maxwell's equation is explained at the same time the cause of Quantum Mechanical uncertainty. The other main economy in theoretical physical perspective is the fundamental and serious question on where are all the neutrinos in the universe. Another mystery that is solved naturally is on the question of how the light wave travels the empty space. It is a well established physical fact that any physical waves need a medium for its travel. There was no exception other than the light wave that didn't have a medium for its travel. It is well known according to maxwell's theory of electricity and magnetism, traveling electric charge creates magnetic field around it. And because of the symmetry of Maxwell's equaiton, so does the traveling magnetic monopole neutrinos create spiraling form of magnetic field around it. The radomly traveling magnetic monopole tachyonic neutrinos create undetectable and perfectly directionally canceled electric field in space. There is no unprovable assumption in this scenario. Magnetic monopole charge must be conserved just like the electric charge and this is dictated by charge conservaiton principle. 

It also explains the detection of neutirnos in South Pole neutrino detection experiment.

It turned out that the interaction of the spiraling electric fields created by the traveling magentic monopole neutrinos creates enormous amount of energy which is large enough to account the known dark energy. It is interesting to note that this energy does not contribute to the expansion of the universe because the force lines between the participating particles are not connected directly to the particle in action. This coincides with the bosonic energy accumulaiton which does not obey Pauli's exclusion principle. While there is energy associated with the repulsive potential energy among the magnetic monopole neutirnos, this energy is far smaller than the bosonic energy which means that the expansion rate of the unvierse is much smaller than when the magnetic repulsive potential energy is the dominant part. This explains nicely why the universe does not expand like in the case of explosion of gases. 

The hidden mysterous particle neutrinos are the real God particles in the sense that they allow the universe to sustain in its form. 

I went as far as to speculate in my book "Physics of the New Millennium, Birth of the New Paradigm", that neutrinos must be the essence of the spirit (soul). The rare but must exist antineutrinos must have opposite polarity of magnetic charge and these two types of magnetic monopoles can form bound states which can and will be able to store information in it like in many different forms of snow flakes which may indicate different personalities of many different people. The most important fact is that neutirnos are not known to decay into any other particles. They exist forever. And as one might have guessed, spirits and souls exist forever as well. Their absence of mass is particularly suitable as a substance for soul.

What is not forever is the information stored in the soul (spirit). It will keep increasing unless something drastic happens. I will not go into details but if these souls go through a strong electric field, it can erase substantial part of the memory stored in the spirit (soul) made of magentic monopole neutrinos. The violent motion of the magneti cmonopoles in soul will help erasing the memory because of the electromagentic principle. However, calm and motionless magnetic monopoles will endure the high voltages applied to it and keep the memory without damage. 

In this sense, the neutrinos are truly God particles. 

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