Thursday, May 23, 2013

Modern Science is a Cult

From the theory of conservation of energy principle in physics to the theory of evolution of Darwin, there are numerous faults and mistakes provable by scientific facts and mathematics in modern science. It seems like the modern science is a nasty skin flare up filled with puss ready to break up or is it?.

It's like trying to convert a Muslim into a Christian or vice versa when I show people how the energy conservation principle in the theory of electricity and magnetism is/was/has been wrong. If mathematical and scientific proof can not convince people what they have been believing is/was/has been wrong, there is nothing that can. It's the literal end of the scientific development.

At certain point, you realize that there is no need to fight against the people with wrong beliefs to change their cult religion or science, you just create a new one which is correct in every aspect of it.

We refuse to believe any knowledge that is not correct and prejudiced.

The most obvious consequence of the wrong scientific belief system is that it leaves us in the darkness and blocks us from going into the higher level of existence in the universe. The only way to maintain the faulty belief structure in such a society is to forcefully suppress the new evidence and information. This is the same condition as intellectual slavery. You are forced to follow the wrong doctrine with the threat that you will become an outcast if you don't. Like in the old Catholic custom, you are "excommunicated" by being a heretic.

Of course, Jesus was a blasphemous heretic within the traditional Jewish teachings when he started his mission.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Finder's Right of The Etheric Energy

Let’s say you found a gold nugget in the middle of the desert. And no one has reported to have lost it to anywhere or to anyone with the precise description of it in the last hundred or may be thousand years. Then the society would be happy to acknowledge you as the owner of the gold. I’m sure any common law or even the Talmudic law would have any objections to this legal right of your ownership of the gold you found.

It’s not because you have worked hard to get it. It’s just because you were lucky enough to be the first to find it.

And let’s say you used your extraordinary remote viewing ability to find that piece of gold. The society would be even more willing and happy to grant you the ownership of the gold and they will not hesitate to admire your extraordinary ability. Some may even become so jealous of it that they may try to kill you to steal it from you.

This is so called the “Finder’s Right” in legal term. You don’t have to tell the world that you found the gold to claim the ownership of it, but by notifying it to the public, you make sure that no one has lost it and consequently has grievances against you. It gives the chance to the rightful owner(s) to claim the gold and take it back. In effect, it legitimizes and solidifies your true ownership of it when nobody shows up to claim it.

This applies to the same for someone/anyone who found the underground oil field by geological, mathematical study and even intuitive including the dowsing method. The owner of the land will claim partial right to the oil, but most of the ownership will go to the finder.

So, now where does this entire finder’s legal right argument lead us to regarding the ownership of the vast energy in the universe that can be extracted using the technology presented in the theory of Physics of Free Energy Device?

No one has claimed that he/she found this energy before my publication of the YouTube video “Physics of Free Energy Device”, which shows the general and universal mathematical presentation including the precise method to harness it. It has been there for three years. Instead, many still claims that this energy doesn’t exist, which enforces even further my right to the ownership of this energy without any contest.  

The particular devices that have been demonstrated in the past lacked the universality in the sense that they didn’t show the key physical mechanism on where the energy is and how to extract it for the energy to be available to the public. Its worth ends to that specific device. As it disappears, the worth of it disappears as well, because it can not be reproduced by any consistent means.

In effect, however, the energy can not be completely free. The means of production and distribution cost certain amount of resources. Someone who found it has to claim its ownership for this energy to be used and commercialized by the public because you can not sell something that you do not legally own or authorized to sell by the legal owner. It’s solely for the purpose of facilitating the conscientious trading which is the essence of the whole economic activities of the world for the effective distribution of the goods.

Without the legal owner’s written consent, selling of this energy would be not only immoral but also illegal. It constitutes an act of theft. If this energy ends up in the hands of the same cabal and elite, the people of the world would not get any benefit from it. You will have to pay the same amount of hard earned labor currency to get the same amount of energy as before. In other words, mankind's slavery will not end.

Now, I, Eugene Jeong proclaim my finder’s right of the ownership of this universal etheric energy. You may manufacture the device and sell the device as an electronic unit, but you may not sell the energy it produces without my (or my authorized agent's) written consent. If you violate this term, it will result in an immediate legal action.

Also, within the written consent, you may not sell this energy any more than the (1/20)th of the price of the energy in the current world ( as of March 2013) market. If the current price for a gallon of gasoline is $4.00 dollars, the same amount of energy the new device produces should be sold at 20 cents at the maximum within the written consent.

This means the amount of 20 day’s labor will be reduced to 1 day’s labor to purchase the same amount of energy in the future as this energy becomes available to the public. As the value of the labor increases, as it should, due to the abundance of the energy resource, the effective value of energy versus that of labor will be further reduced to the level of 1/100 th.

You can see now why the true owner's intervention in the trading of this energy is so important. The law of the jungle will not be allowed by the support of the will of the people.

In this system of the new energy distribution, you will not be required to work more than 2 days per month for basic survival. But if you want more material stuff in your life, you may work more days to get what you want as it pleases you without anyone forcing upon you to do so. There will be continual shortage of labor, yet life will be plentiful. You work because you enjoy it, not because you have to eat and need a shelter.

If this is not the paradise for your world, what is? 

The fundamental legal and medical system is built into the current society to take your property away from you in a maximum way without them performing any actual labor to produce something. If there are fewer disputes due to the abundance of the resources, there will be no need for many of the frivolous legal actions. If there is no stress in the work environment, there will be much less reasons for many of the unnecessary medical problems like obesity, high blood pressure, cancer etc








Thursday, March 7, 2013

Origin of the European Royal Blood Line

Today I’m going to discuss the origin of the European royal families based only on the known historical facts. I was compelled to write this essay after reading all kinds of speculations and hoaxes perpetrated by some authors and popular conspiracy talk show hosts.

Dan Brown’s story of Mary Magdalene having the child of Jesus Christ and moved to France to form the Merovingian royal blood line is very interesting and intriguing while offering very little historical facts.

The 800 pound gorilla sitting in the living room everybody is refusing to notice and ask is since when the central and northern Europeans started to have any wealth to form any kind of royal family. Remind you that it takes enormous amount of wealth and power to sustain a royal family.

With this in mind, try to watch any movie describing ancient Rome having battle against Germanic tribe, for example, “Gladiator” which is considered around 300's AD as the right general time frame. The Germanic tribe fighting against the Rome at this time period looks like a pathetic group of unorganized mobs. At least that may be the  way the Germanic tribes were viewed by the Romans at the time. The picture is hardly that of trained military machinery operated by dignified royal monarch if there were any. In fact, in the era of 300 AD, Germanic tribes did not have a united governing entity let alone any royal family. There is simply no record of it.

Let’s see what happened in the following years around 370 AD.

The basic principle to find the truth is as always, “follow the money”.

In the year around 370 AD, the powerful Huns invaded Europe coming from the region of northern China sweeping the entire European continent. The Huns successfully united the people along the path way to Europe and threatened Rome demanding ransom for not invading them with the full force. The result was the massive amount of gold transferring from Rome’s treasury to the hands of the King Attila the Hun.

The first thing in Attila's mind was to force the militarily weakened Eastern Roman Empire to recognize the superiority of his Huns. This he did in the treaty of Margus (435 AD), which the Romans were forced to sign. The treaty dealt with Hun merchants' rights, military alliance conducts, the return of Hun fugitives (that had sought refugee in the Romans), and a tribute of 700 pounds of gold that must be paid each year.

Attila the Hun was the most powerful King in the world in the 4th century AD. He is known to have over 300 wives mostly of the daughters offered by the regional tribal leaders who wanted to have upper hand in the power structure of the newly formed powerful kingdom. In the newly formed fragile empire, it would have been felt necessary for the tribal leaders to have blood relationship with the King. On the other hand, the King would not have wanted to have any regional tribal leaders left being unhappy by not being included in the King's family and the empire. As such, it could have been entirely a political move.

I’m not interested in knowing how he could handle 300 wives. He may have had quite a few of sons and daughters from all of his wives. The most important question here is where all the wealth, mainly gold, confiscated from Rome, has gone after he died. Of course, without question, the massive amount of gold went and distributed to his sons and daughters and his wives in accordance with the proper customs and cultures of the Huns at the time.

Now you can understand how the royal family has started in Europe. The magnificent castles were built and the defensive as well as offensive military force was formed, trained and organized according to the proper rules.

Before trying to form hatred against your own European royal families, think about all the wealth they brought to the whole nations. Their wealth created jobs, buildings, many infrastructures, commissioning artists and musicians for its people. Without their wealth, the modern day Europe will be hard to imagine. The redistribution of wealth possessed by Rome in the early Middle Ages was only possible by the Hun’s intervention.

Of course, the main reason the European Royal families marry among themselves was to protect their wealth within their own bloodlines that was inherited to them by the King Attila the Hun and not to dilute it, more so than the racial consciousness. Of course, Huns considered themselves superior and so there could be certain amount of racial reasons as well.

It is not difficult to imagine with this much of influence on their wealth, dignity and life style, the creation of "King Arthur” legend based on the true story of the King Attila the Hun was entirely possible. Also the story of the King's round table meeting with the knights and much later the passage of Magna Carta in England can all be traced to the King Attila the Hun's humble king image, which you will never see in any of the pompous Roman Emperor's pictures.

While the
Roman historian Jordanes was busy painting the King Attila the Hun as a ruthless baby killer, Jordanes was not an expert on Sun Tzu's Art of War. The first rule in Sun Tzu's Art of War is that it is the best to win a war without fighting if it is possible at all.  Obviously, Huns were the masters of Sun Tzu's Art of War. They rarely fought most of the wars to win and advance to entire Europe by showing their potential ruthlessness if their enemy does not surrender. Of course this was nothing more than a brilliant military tactic.

The 1972 discovery in a tomb of a nearly complete Western Han Dynasty(206 BC - 220 AD) copy of The Art of War, known as the Yinqueshan Han Slips, which is almost completely identical to modern editions, lends support that The Art of War had achieved its current form by at least the early Han dynasty, and findings of less-complete copies dated earlier support the view that it existed in roughly its current form by at least the time of the mid-late Warring States.

So according to the above information from Wikipedia, the Huns who advanced to Europe in the 4th century were already familiar with Sun Tzu's Art of War.

The most striking revelation about King Attila the Hun, according to Priscus who was a Greek ambassador to Huns court at the time, who witnessed King Attila the Hun in person at the dinner table with other guests, was that King Attila the Hun was using wooden cup while he let his guests use golden cups. Priscus left this eyewitness record as much non charlatan way as possible. Either he didn’t understand what he was observing or he was not interested in understanding it or most likely the both.

This was the King of Kings, to whom the Pope Leo begged for mercy with the following words,

Pope Leo met Attila, it is said, in the neighborhood of the river Mincio, and he spoke to the grim monarch, saying "The senate and the people of Rome, once conquerors of the world, now indeed vanquished, come before thee as suppliants. We pray for mercy and deliverance. O Attila, thou King of Kings, thou couldst have no greater glory than to see suppliant at thy feet this people before whom once all peoples and kings lay suppliant. Thou hast subdued, O Attila, the whole circle of the lands which it was granted to the Romans, victors over all peoples, to conquer. Now we pray that thou, who hast conquered others, shouldst conquer thyself The people have felt thy scourge; now as suppliants they would feel thy mercy."

And this King of Kings was using a wooden cup while he let his guests to use golden cups according to the eyewitness record of Priscus. You have to picture it very hard to understand what it means.

If you do not wonder what is really going on here, you are not paying attention to the details.

=Quote from the writings of Priscus=
When we returned to our tent the father of Orestes came with an invitation from Attila for both of us to a banquet at three o'clock. When the hour arrived we went to the palace, along with the embassy from the western Romans, and stood on the threshold of the hall in the presence of Attila. The cup-bearers gave us a cup, according to the national custom, that we might pray before we sat down. Having tasted the cup, we proceeded to take our seats; all the chairs were ranged along the walls of the room on either side. Attila sat in the middle on a couch; a second couch was set behind him, and from it steps led up to his bed, which was covered with linen sheets and wrought coverlets for ornament, such as Greeks and Romans use to deck bridal beds. The places on the right of Attila were held chief in honour, those on the left, where we sat, were only second. Berichus, a noble among the Scythians, sat on our side, but had the precedence of us. Onegesius sat on a chair on the right of Attila's couch, and over against Onegesius on a chair sat two of Attila's sons; his eldest son sat on his couch, not near him, but at the extreme end, with his eyes fixed on the ground, in shy respect for his father. When all were arranged, a cup-bearer came and handed Attila a wooden cup of wine. He took it, and saluted the first in precedence, who, honoured by the salutation, stood up, and might not sit down until the king, having tasted or drained the wine, returned the cup to the attendant. All the guests then honoured Attila in the same way, saluting him, and then tasting the cups; but he did not stand up. Each of us had a special cupbearer, who would come forward in order to present the wine, when the cup-bearer of Attila retired. When the second in precedence and those next to him had been honoured in like manner, Attila toasted us in the same way according to the order of the seats. When this ceremony was over the cup-bearers retired, and tables, large enough for three or four, or even more, to sit at, were placed next the table of Attila, so that each could take of the food on the dishes without leaving his seat. The attendant of Attila first entered with a dish full of meat, and behind him came the other attendants with bread and viands, which they laid on the tables. A luxurious meal, served on silver plate, had been made ready for us and the barbarian guests, but Attila ate nothing but meat on a wooden trencher. In everything else, too, he showed himself temperate; his cup was of wood, while to the guests were given goblets of gold and silver. His dress, too, was quite simple, affecting only to be clean.

 =End Quote=

Priscus was busy trying to paint Hun’s King’s court as barbarous and as cold as he can. In a way, you can also notice in his writing that he was trying hard to be an accurate observer. But he failed miserably on all those accounts in painting him a villain.

King Attila the Hun was a modest and humble king according to Priscus’ own description of him. He didn’t have a wicked looking hooked nose as portrayed by some painters who has never seen him. The king Attila the Hun had a flattish nose according to Priscus who had dinner with the King with other guests.

It’s obvious that Roman historian Jordanes tried hard to paint him as villain but Priscus disproved it entirely by his own record.

The bible does not say Jesus Christ used a wooden cup in the so called the "Last Supper". It was not even an issue in the New Testament. The description of picking the wooden cup as the Holy Grail in the Indian Jones movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" did not come from the biblical origin at all and it was possibly originated from the legend based on the true story of the King Attila the Hun using the wooden cup. If the act of using a wooden cup is considered the show off of holiness, it certainly did not come from the Bible, it came from the true story of the King Attila the Hun. If this was a uniquely patented or licensed act to show off humbleness, the Catholic monks or the entire church essentially plagiarized and stole it without giving the due credit where it originally belong. 

There was obviously some juxtaposition of the story of Jesus Christ and King Attila the Hun in the early European legend. For many in Europe at the time, King Attila the Hun was a savior and a just ruler. He even presided over a civil court to rule the case of a civilian dispute according to the record of Priscus. At the contemporary time, he certainly exuded the Messianic image in his rulings of the world that he conquered. This image of King Attila the Hun was gradually distorted in Europe as the Roman Catholic Church realized the potential implications of this fact for their domination.

If you have to pay tribute 700 pounds of gold per every year to a barbarian conqueror after signing a treaty, you are lower than the barbarians. It is sad that no western historians and philosophers asked questions on how the east Asian barbarians from the steppe of Gobi desert could conquer the entire Europe in such a short period of time in the 4th century AD.

It is surprising to see that the political philosophy of the Huns was never studied by the scholars. They never asked how could the Huns amass such a large and diverse ethnic groups joined together to attack the mighty Roman empire at the time. What was the Hun's philosophy and value system? What did they value most in their lives?  They may not have had written language, which is debatable, but they certainly communicated with the locals and could get their message crossed and obtain undivided support. What was it that made them to be such a powerful political center of diverse ethnic military forces?

In general, humans do not trust cheaters, liars and scammers, especially when they are a group of races of slightly yet distinctively different looking people. After all, by joining the conqueror, the supporters were entrusting their lives to the Huns which would be even more unlikely unless the conquerors had shown them convincing proof that they are indeed honorable and trustable. One thing that can make such thing possible could be the principality and trust of the words and the subsequent proper action of the group of people who are leading the crowd.

Simply put, Huns kept their promises. They considered their uttered words like gold. No matter how it may turn out to be unfair to themselves, they kept their promises. Without such trust, the historic conglomeration of such a large diverse ethnic group of people for military offense against the mighty Roman empire would have been next to impossible.

As such, their moral values and governing political philosophy were far from barbaric as commonly believed.

How often honesty is despised in the corrupt societies? When lies and false propaganda are the norm, they say telling the truth is a heroic act. The King Attila the Hun was basically saying to his guests by using the wooden cup in the banquet table, "I'm the King but I'm no better human being than any of you."

What a powerful and divine morality!!!!

In front of the show off of such a grandiose gesture by the King of Kings, who in the world would not willingly join his military forces and fight for him?

It does not take a leap of faith to understand that this is essentially the same code of conduct as the King (both in the legendary story of King Arthur and King Attila) using Round Table to discuss military strategy with his subordinates. This also indicates that it was not a one time whimsical display of an act by the King in front of the banquet table and the guests when Priscus was invited. It was Hun King's royal tradition and it was their deeply rooted philosophy of ruling their people. It was a democracy with the most humblest form in the ancient world. It would be next to impossible to understand who the Huns were without understanding their mysterious royal tradition shown and recorded by Priscus.

Jordanese as well as all other the contemporary Roman scholars express deep bafflement on the structure of the ruling among the Huns. They could not see any official markings of ranking in the Hun's military structure. They all look the same yet the order of military maneuver was meticulous.

There are historic records showing that the Roman bureaucratic system was very corrupt as the people under the rule of Rome was fleeing to Hun's territory for just judicial system and fair taxes. After all, it may have been the bureaucratic corruption that caused the ultimate demise of the Roman Empire. The following is an excerpt from the book by Ramsay MacMullen

Corruption and the Decline of Rome

Ramsay MacMullen

"Bribery and abuses always occurred, of course. But by the fourth and fifth centuries they had become the norm: no longer abuses of a system, but an alternative system in itself. The cash nexus overrode all other ties. Everything was bought and sold: public office including army commands and bishoprics, judges' verdicts, tax assessments, access to authority on every level, and particularly the emperor. The traditional web of obligations became a marketplace of power, ruled only by naked self-interest. Government's operation was permanently, massively distorted. Imperial authority was of course upheld, since it was precisely the source of illicit gain. But its power was dissipated into thousands of private channels in a way that did not happen in the earlier empire. The very officials charged by emperors with investigating corruption would simply use their authority as hugely profitable protection rackets. Military commanders habitually avoided serious fighting, preferring armed extortion from civilians, embezzlement of army supplies, and the lucrative sale of exemptions from irksome duties all down the ranks. After all, they had to recoup the enormous sums they had borrowed to purchase their commands originally."

Sounds eerily like the modern day political and social problems.

King Attila the Hun basically punished Rome who persecuted Jews murdering thousands of them causing Diaspora and brought justice in the wealth redistribution for the entire European people. The historic records shows that he called himself "Scourge of God" Not many English speaking people know what "scourge" means. If you look at the dictionary, it means "Whip" that parents use when they discipline their kids. He was God's punishing whip for the Roman Empire for their misdeeds, evil doings, injustice and slaughtering of people under their corrupt rule.

There is so called “the order of bear” related to King Arthur as depicted in the recent movie "Avalon High". This is a society formed by a group of people who awaits the reincarnation of the King Arthur in the future to save humanity and they knew the symbol of the King Arthur was bear, so came the name "bear society".

Unbeknownst to the Europeans, Koreans have a legend saying that at the beginning of time, Son of God descended from heaven and married a bear at the mount BaikDu (tallest mountain at the China-North Korea border) who became the origin of the ancient Korean people.
Obviously this legend was also believed and known to Huns which indicates strongly that the modern day Koreans are the same people as the ancient Huns. In fact, Koreans still call themselves, Dae(great) Han(Hun) Min(people) Kuk(nation).  Korea is not the name they call themselves now. It is the name Marco Polo brought to Europe when there was Koryo dynasty in power in the Korean peninsula and Mongols (Hun descendants) ruled the world.

The typical trace of Hunic language left in European language is in the sound of Kuhn related to describe anything large, huge and/or great.

Many variation of the sound of Kuhn is Kuhn=Kun=Hun=Han=Kahn=Ang 

Kuhn Gol= Hun Gol= Ang Gol= Large Head : the origin of the English word "Angol"
, Angle or Anglo

I can not but notice the famous British news anchor and journalist, Jim Angle. His large size head and family name assures me that he is a descendant of the ancient Huns who conquered Europe and migrated to British isle around 5th century AD. If you have paid close attention, there is a large number of Asian looking famous British people in the movies and in real life. Their immediate ancestors are not from Asia but their long time ancestors have lived in Europe for the last 1500 years. Still they carry the genes of Huns that distinctively make them look different. I tend to think that quite a few of the Hun males (soldiers) who did not have the high rank in the military order to receive the nobility with the name (von) in Germany but married the locals moved to English isle.

On the other hand, it seems that the majority of the female Huns who refused to marry the locals moved to Hungary as can be seen from the following. They wanted to form their own group of culture keeping their language style intact instead of totally mixing with the locals. Historians say that the Huns lost power and they disappeared after the conquest of Europe in the 4th to 5th century AD. This can hardly be the truth. The King Attila the Hun had over 300 wives and they bore children of the King and numerous Hun officials gained prestigious nobility with the name "von". And also without doubt many Huns married locals and bore children as well. Essentially they have become a part of the new family in Europe. There are no records of Huns moved back to the steppe of Gobi desert where they have come from.

The modern day Europeans are essentially the mix of the Huns and the locals without bloody racial conflict between them. In other words, they co-mingled very well. The Huns may have lost their own cultural inheritances, but in the process, the newly created mixed group of northern Germanic tribes also lost their political weakness and have successfully formed the powerful nation that strongly challenge and dominate the southern Europeans as they call today Latinos.

Let's dig deeply into the origin of the name of the country Hungary.

Kuhn Gary=Hun Gary= Large Head (more to the weight on hair) : the origin of the name of the country Hungary.

Hungary still uses the unique Hunic structured language (Ural Altaic)  and they claim themselves that they are the descendants of the ancient Huns and they are proud to name their son's name "Attila". Children naturally follow their mother's tongue and the Hun females kept the Hunic (Ural Altaic) structured language which is also common in Mongol, Korea and Japan, but not in China. People in Europe have wondered why Hungarians use a language that is totally different in structure from that of other European countries. Now you have the answer.

If you pronounce "Attila" with a long and hard accent at "A" and a weak and short one at "tila", it becomes "Arthar" which is basically "Arthur" in British pronunciation. There you have it, King Attila=King Arthur.

"Gol" and "Gary" are two different words describing "head" in the present day Korean language. "Gol" is more to the bone and/or brain description of head. "Gary" is more to the hair in mind description of head with slight difference in nuance in Korean language.  

What would be the better way to name a newly created group of people than by emphasizing their distinctive physical features with their own language? Especially in the simplistic ancient world.

Obviously the name Genghis Kahn who was a Hun descendant to become the famous Mongol King, means Genghis The Great. In pure present day Korean language "Kuhn" means great and large. To display the real impression of being great, the sound "Kuhn" has to come from deep throat like the sound of "ch" in "Bach" in German language.

To this day, the largest river in South Korea is called, Kuhn Goang=Han Goang=Han River=Large River

Also the English word "mangle" came from the same word "mangle" in Hun Korean which means simply "make" or "create". If you "make" something too much, which may be a tendency of the Huns, you end up "mangling" it. This variation of the meaning of the word makes me chuckle. If you dig it deeply enough, there will be tons of English words originated from the ancient Huns which will be very similar to the present day Korean dialect.

At this point, the most serious question we face here now is

How can you respect your legendary Camelot King without respecting his true cultural and ethnic origin?"

This will be a serious question for all of the Europeans have to ponder for a long time because you got it all twisted and completely brain washed by the Roman Catholic Church for such a long time.

Who should get the original credit for the passage of "Magna Carta" in England that has greatly expanded human rights in history and also has later become the cornerstone of the US constitution?  Was it the great influence of the humble King Arthur, aka, King Attila or that of the Christian religion taught by the Roman Catholic Church?

As a long descendant of Hun race who ruled Korean peninsula when Shilla dynasty was in power, I share the same genetic code as the King Attila the Hun. I will bring the justice again to Europe not against the royal families, but against the same ruthless controllers behind the corrupt Roman Catholic Church with all of its "new world order" fakeries.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Neutrinos May be the Building Blocks of Soul

I don’t think I’m the first who has pondered the possibility of neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light. But all those who may have pondered about it was either persuaded or discouraged not to publish their idea except few scientists in the world. One group was Chodos et all from the US and the other was Ricami from Italy. I have published the article in LLNL archive titled "Neutrinos must be Tachyons" in 1997 from my investigation of the subject for a while in depth. Dr Manfred Fink of UT Austin who was performing beta decay experiment to measure the mass of the neutrinos, after reading my article, suggested me that the title of the paper was too strong.

But I didn’t change the title of the paper because that was my strong belief at the time as it is now.

The recent experimental measurement of the speed of the neutrinos that says it’s close to the speed of light has no merit. Because the speed of neutrinos can vary from the speed of light to infinity according to the theory. The heavy neutrinos may travel close to the speed of light but the lighter ones can travel 100-1000 times faster than the speed of light. The problem is that the lighter neutrinos are very hard to detect because they do not interact with matter particles and very rarely even if they do.

The strong argument for this possibility is that the concept of the imaginary mass of the neutrinos does not violate Lorentz invariance principle. Imaginary mass of the neutrinos follows directly that neutrinos are tachyons. It's just that we are not used to the concept of the imaginary mass. But the math shows otherwise. Not only it is possible but also it is very likely.

Also, neutrinos are magnetic monopoles in its character. Our universe may be filled with mainly one type of neutrinos either north or south pole. The magnetic flux is the line the neutrino flux travels inside and out of the permanent or solenoid magnets.

What if there is a handful of small amount of opposite polarity neutrinos in our universe. They may join together with the majority polarity neutrinos to travel the space or to form some kind of an organism. We can imagine multiply joined structures of neutrinos also. They may lose their ability to travel faster than the speed of light by including some electrons and protons in the structure but may attain the consciousness of self. If these conglomerates of neutrinos are joined with a few of electrons and/or protons, they may form a complex chain of living organism.

The inexplicable orbs in the space surrounding paranormal activity may be explained by this pictorial description. I must clarify at this point that I’m not the first to suggest that neutrinos are related to the soul, spiritual phenomenon. The unusually cold temperature that has been detected by researchers in this field may be explained also by this observation. The air molecule surrounding this neutrionic orb may be slowed down substantially by the magnetic field interaction that can potentially make the local temperature to drop.

The whole point of this essay is that there may be a whole and completely unexplored realm of reality that has defied modern scientific investigation up until now. And that involves the illusive particle called neutrinos that may make up the entire nature of the spiritual and the soul phenomenon.

And considering that the magnetic recording devices we have been and still using in our modern computer gadgets, the complex neutrino-ion mixture may have entire recording and memory capability that could be passed down to many life experiences through the reincarnation cycle.

Why does soul exist forever? Neutrinos are one of the few immutable particles in the universe. A biological structure of soul made up of neutrinos can not be destroyed.

Imagine snow flakes. Neutrinos which are inherently superluminal, can form very diverse structures like snow flakes which may contain all the peculiar characteristics of individual human soul when frozen into a subluminal state.

Here we may be getting into the realm of "Neutrino Soul Biology" for the future of the human understanding of the unseen spiritual universe.

If there is any highly advanced group of extraterrestrial entities who has mastered the secret of the Neutrino Soul Biology, they can control the entire population of a planet inhabited by certain form of humanoids without even physically handling each and all of them.

Are the present earth humans victims of this type of manipulation?

But then how can you find out if it were true?

How about the unknown yet consistent blockage of the new knowledge from the public that may free earthlings from such a slavery forever?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Hidden Gate to the Garden of Eden

Let's assume that for each cycle of the capacitor discharge, there was 10 percent electrical current gain in the circuit(after eliminating all the losses). And let's assume that the frequency of the oscillation was 5 kHz. The current still runs inside the LC tank circuit when it is not being pulled out by any load. The accumulative current gain will be (1+0,1)^5000 times the initial current per second. At this point, the concept of the percentage wise energy gain loses its meaning. As soon as the device is tuned up right, the energy gain is almost infinite.

The actual power output limit is determined by the capacitance, operating frequency and the voltage. I think I showed this calculation in the video except the accumulative effect. I observed this effect in my experiments. The problem is that there are no cold cathode tubes, or anything similar electrical components made commercially for this specific purposes.

Tesla's original "cosmic ray" argument as the source of energy was too weak to defend himself against the strict scrutiny of the mathematical scientific world. He withdrew his experiments of Pierce-Arrow and that was the end of the story after he saw the ridicule by the press criticizing his experiments as being a black magic.

I truly believe he succeeded in his experiment. But he didn't have the "secret of the capacitor anomaly" in his hand which could have been a powerful tool to defend himself against the public ridicule. Nikola Tesla was a genius and a prominent inventor but "Cosmic ray" argument for his device was not accurate and in fact was flawed for his defence. Even such a downright successful experiment was not enough to convince the public and the scientific community. Now we have found the fatal flaws in the existing theory of EM. No one can argue that the energy anomaly in the capacitor has been there since the beginning of the creation of the universe.

It is the gift from God for humanity. When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, this knowledge was withheld by God. Now there is no reason humanity should not be in the Garden of Eden... The secret to the paradise is revealed. World deserves to know they are already at the door of the paradise. My mathematics is the reality itself of the universe and I never had a single moment of doubt about that.

I got this thought the other day, try to calculate the energy in the concentric spherical capacitor where the charge in the inner sphere is -Q1 and the charge at the outer sphere is +Q2. Q1 and Q2 are slightly different in magnitude. Now, is there a room for the self energy from the inner and outer sphere in the conventional energy in the capacitor?

The known capacitor energy in this case would be 1/2 xQ1xQ2/c. There should also be the self energy terms that depend on Q1^2 and Q2^2. But there is no room for that in the conventionally known theory of EM. Yet, the repulsive electrostatic potential energy is also known as energy, isn't it? The book teaches it "IS" also energy, which is correct.

What I teach is so obvious yet so outrageously neglected that most of the researchers don't know what to say when this is thrown in front of their face. This is not a fantasy. It is the reality that needs to be taught and needed to be fixed from our faulty text books.

The important thing to remember is that the truth will not go away. Sooner or later, people will have to deal with it whether they like it or not.

If that is the case, it would be better to deal with it now than later. Expose the truth to its fullest extent...