Sunday, October 9, 2022

God Particle

The secret of the truth in science can be found only by making it simple and transparent. Adding more unprovable hypothesis can not make the understanding of the universe simpler. It's called Occam's razor. In this sense, I can not keep silent about the nature of the neutrinos. According to the recently performed experiment by me and my coauthor Dr. Dennis Edmondson, we found that neutrinos do have small magnetic monopole charge of north kind. The strength of the magnetic monopole charge turned out to be extremely small to affect the planetary gravitational physics. Since many physicists have already speculated that neutrinos may be tachyons, we can estimate the speed of neutrinos as a magnetic monopole in relation to the quantum effect. There is still no clear understanding on what exactly prevents the atomic electrons from collapsing into the nucleus. The known quantum mechanics does not explain why electrons keep orbiting nucleus or in case of s orbit electrons, what keeps kicking the electrons afloat against the strong positive electrostatic charge of the nucleus. 

Surprisingly, the tachyonic magnetic monopole neutrinos traveling randomly in the space explains why this quantum mechanical phenomena happens. It only requires Maxwell's equation to be symmetric in magnetic and electric charge. What we are seeing here is that the cause of the asymmetric nature of Maxwell's equation is explained at the same time the cause of Quantum Mechanical uncertainty. The other main economy in theoretical physical perspective is the fundamental and serious question on where are all the neutrinos in the universe. Another mystery that is solved naturally is on the question of how the light wave travels the empty space. It is a well established physical fact that any physical waves need a medium for its travel. There was no exception to this principle other than for the light wave that didn't have a medium for its travel. It is well known according to Maxwell's theory of electricity and magnetism, traveling electric charge creates magnetic field around it in spiraling form. And because of the symmetry of Maxwell's equation, so does the traveling magnetic monopole neutrinos create spiraling form of electric field around it. The randomly traveling magnetic monopole tachyonic neutrinos create undetectable and perfectly directionally canceled electric field in space. There is no unprovable assumption in this scenario. Magnetic monopole charge must be conserved just like the electric charge and this is dictated by the universal charge conservation principle. 

It also explains the detection of neutrinos in South Pole neutrino detection experiment.

It turned out that the interaction of the spiraling electric fields created by the traveling magnetic monopole neutrinos creates enormous amount of energy which is large enough to account the known dark energy. It is interesting to note that this energy does not contribute to the expansion of the universe because the force lines between the participating particles are not connected directly to the particle in action. This coincides with the bosonic energy accumulation which does not obey Pauli's exclusion principle. While there is energy associated with the repulsive potential energy among the magnetic monopole neutrinos, this energy is far smaller than the bosonic energy which means that the expansion rate of the universe is much smaller than when the magnetic repulsive potential energy is the dominant part. This explains nicely why the universe does not expand like in the case of the explosion of gases. 

The hidden mysterious particle neutrinos are the real God particles in the sense that they allow the universe to sustain in its form. 

I went as far as to speculate in my book "Physics of the New Millennium, Birth of the New Paradigm", that neutrinos must be the essence of the spirit (soul). The rare but must exist antineutrinos must have opposite polarity of magnetic charge and these two types of magnetic monopoles can form bound states which can and will be able to store information in it like in many different forms of snow flakes which may indicate different personalities of many different people. The most important fact is that neutrinos are not known to decay into any other particles. They exist forever. And as one might have guessed, spirits and souls exist forever as well. 

What is not forever is the information stored in the soul (spirit). It will keep increasing unless something drastic happens. I will not go into details but if these souls go through a strong electric field, it can erase substantial part of the memory stored in the spirit (soul) made of magnetic monopole neutrinos. The violent motion of the magnetic monopoles in soul will help erasing the memory because of the electromagnetic principle. However, calm and motionless magnetic monopoles will endure the high voltages applied to it and keep the memory without damage. 

In this sense, the neutrinos are truly God particles. 


Cult Science

Cult is a form of a religion that has a set of rules that can not be challenged regardless of its accuracy or scientific proof of falsehood. I noticed that there is a scientific cult if the term makes any sense because science should mean everything against cult. But our modern society does have several of scientific cultist beliefs. As I proved recently in the publication "Re-Examination of Energy Conservation Principle in Charged Capacitors and the Reported Anomalous Energy Devices", local energy conservation law is a myth that is not true at all. It has been almost 270 years since electricity was discovered by Benjamin Franklin in 1750s. The continually developed theory of Electricity and Magnetism since then solidified the concept that energy can not be created out of nothing. It was in 1999, it could be June or July, when I was working at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base at AFIT(Air Force Institute of Technology) in Dayton Ohio as a research scientist in the field of solid state physics experiment. I noticed that there were many reports of free energy devices using magnets in many different ways and I was curious if there is any way the same phenomenon can be found in electrostatics. While walking after dinner time in the suburb of Dayton Ohio in beautiful summer weather, I noticed that the repulsive potential energy in a spherical capacitor was not included in the total energy calculation of the stored energy in capacitors. The two energies between the attractive and repulsive potential energy can not be mixed or missed one over the other. The mistake is apparently clear as a bright day of the summer. 

It gave me something to think about beyond the regular day job of solid state physics experiment. The more I delve into the subject to find where I could be wrong, the more clear that the gargantuan institutional mistake is apparent. Basically what I found was the fact that the modern science is based on cultist belief. This is not going to be an easy job to fix considering the massive flow of civilization firmly based on the concept of limited source of energy. But I'm not a kind of guy to forget or give up on something this huge. 

Prior to this incident, in 1995, as I detailed in my book "Physics of the New Millennium, Birth of the New Paradigm", I found the anomaly in the classical mechanics on the subject matter of center of mass. When special relativity is employed, I noticed that the rotating hemisphere develops an interesting phenomenon of shifting its center of mass which is unexpected and unusual because center of mass can change only if there is an external force acting up on the object according to the sacred classical mechanics. When the rotating hemispherical system was investigated in the light of general relativity, I found that it is the second term in the linearized theory of general relativity. This second term has been known to have no physical meaning for almost a century. I calculated the potential created by this term in the oppositely superposed system of a rotating sphere. Viola !!! I found the term in the limit of small distance r, it has exactly of the same form as the previously calculated Lense-Thirring force except the sign. The meaning of this term is the discovery of the enigmatic force that propel object without external force. So called the conceptual "inertial propulsion method" has been discovered. 

The paper was published in the Swedish Physics Journal Phsica Scripta in 1999 about the same time I  noticed that the repulsive electrostatic potential energy is missing in the conventional calculation of the stored energy in charged capacitors. The fundamental and shocking revelation of the paper was that the second order term in the linearized theory of general relativity is not meaningless. It has amazing full meaning. After all, it is a new fundamental force of nature called dynamic dipole gravity. 

After a while it became obvious that the sign of the Lense-Thirring force was fundamentally wrong. When a sphere starts to rotate, the total energy of the sphere in dynamic motion would increase the effective gravity due to the increase of kinetic energy (which is equal to additional mass). On the other hand, the concept of centrifugal force makes the force at the surface of the equatorial plane to be repulsive. The previous researchers have already did the work eventually questioning the validity of the concept of centrifugal force being assigned to Lense-Thirring force. The obvious red flag is in the fact that Lense-Thirring force has the z axial component of force that comes out in conjunction with the radial force. Once the radial component of Lense-Thirring force is interpreted as centrifugal force, the z component of force has no place to go. What this essentially means is that the centrifugal force interpretation originally proposed by Einstein was fundamentally flawed. I have no information if Lense-Thirring had any qualm on the idea of assigning the radial component of the force they derived as centrifugal force or not before publishing their paper. 

So the saga continued until I decided that the paper published in 1999 needs a revision. A minor one in a way but then also could be a major one because the signs of the Lense-Thirring force have to be reversed. I couldn't let the obvious mistake in fundamental physics remain unfixed. That would be a cardinal sin as a physicist who has devoted his life to find the truth in the universe of the nature. 

The process was arduous, you have to find reasons why you went along with the signs of Lense-Thirring force that has suspicion in it in the first paper and why you decided to change it afterwards. The reason was simple, I believed I could be wrong in challenging the sign of the long time published papers and endorsed by Einstein. Since the concept of the dynamics shift of the center of mass due to special relativity reproduced Lense-Thirring force within a factor of 4/15 except the sign, there was no reason to suspect that special relativistic dynamic center of mass shift approach is the right passage way to find something new. 

The key was in the recognition that once the sign of the Lense-Thirring force is reversed, it starts to explain multitude of cosmological mysteries that has not been possible. The main thing was the blackhole jets. There is no problem explaining the blackhole jets once the sign of Lense-Thirring force is reversed. In addition, the thin rings of Saturn is a matter of fact within the concept of dipole gravity. In reality, it is a universal fact when a planet rotates fast, it creates rings around it. 

These two factual findings on dipole gravity and missing repulsive electrostatic potential energy in charged capacitors were the reason I decided to write the book "Physics of the New Millennium, Birth of the New Paradigm", in case anyone would want to argue the motivation as vanity. 

Modern scientific community is indulged in a scientific cult. Fatally wrong concepts are running wild in the field of science as if it is correct. And there are unbelievably strong resistance against to change it. 

I was flabbergasted when the BA degree administrator in arXiv threatened me that they are going to ban me from uploading papers in arXiv if I insist on uploading the sign corrected paper on dipole gravity. They insist that the two papers are the same. Of course the two papers are not the same. The signs of Lense-Thirring force were wrong and they need to be changed. Otherwise, there will be no progress of science in our civilization. 

The reason is because this paper is the beginning of the theoretical and observational verification of the existence of Non-Newtonian gravity force in the universe, which will eventually provide us with the non-rocket propulsion method to travel the universe to other galaxies.


Sunday, September 25, 2022

Scientific Doctrine

It is comforting to remind that science is not a democracy. Although scientists are devoted to their freedom to research in any field of their expertise, they can not afford to be continuously wrong in their scientific pursuits. Because we are in the business of finding the truth of the nature, which is a very different discipline compared to that of the politics where politicians have to try as best as they can to satisfy the interests of the majority of the members of the society. Therefore, it's not uncommon in science that one scientist suddenly show up one day and prove everybody else has been wrong. Unless one wants to be totally isolated and extremely unpopular, that will be the most risky thing to do in the normal human society. But I think only scientists have the privilege to do that. Because scientific truth is not always popular. Furthermore, it can also be very unpleasant. Of course one of the good examples is the earlier heliocentric view of Copernicus and Galileo. Although many early cosmologies speculated about the motion of the Earth around a stationary Sun, it was not until the 16th century that Copernicus presented a fully predictive mathematical model of a heliocentric system, which was later elaborated by Kepler and defended by Galileo, becoming the center of a major dispute. As the principle of Occam's Razor demonstrates it, there is only one path to the truth of the nature which explains it with the least number of assumptions until there appears further simpler theory that explains wider mysteries of the nature than the previous one could. There are always human factors in this process that hinders the further progress of the science. Especially when there exists a form of a society that a group of scientists are involved in the same path of the research that has not been obviously in the correct one. The subject matter in this case is not that of a minor adjustment or improvement. The new doctrine demands the total overhaul of the direction and the way of thinking in the conventional way of pursuit of the truth. In this case, the new doctrine that comes up with much simpler explanation of the nature will have the uphill battle of gaining the public access of his/her finding because of the momentum that has been built up for a long time in the wrong direction of the pursuit performed by the majority of the scientists involved in the similar research. They simply won't give up their way of thinking that has been going on for a long time. The public confidence that has been built up around these scientists will make it extremely difficult for the new comers to gain access to the public to convey his/her view point which can be revolutionary. How can we fix this problem? Humans are not always rational. They can be extremely prejudiced and biased because of the various reasons. But one thing that is obvious is that this human factors can be detrimental to the development of the science and the advancement of the human society in general. We as a human society may need to consider the formation of a supreme council where this kind of matters can be discussed and resolved. The members of the supreme council in scientific matters have to be formed by various members of the society whose rationality has never been challenged. Their personal integrity should not be in question. They also should not be allowed to have any political affiliation. Most open minded and child like people will be sitting there amicably discussing the scientific matters without personal grievances. May be just another day dreaming. But remember things do start from day dreaming.

Subtlety of the Discharge Device

It is not very hard to see for the minds of the experts in the field of electronics that the key critical component in this device is the discharge tube. Tesla spent enormous amount of time to design many different types of the spark gaps including the types where many spark gaps are placed in series and some times with a blow fan on it to blow off the continuous stream of the spark(arching) to make the switching activity more efficient. This can also be seen from Moray's case in his device when he hid his tube out of the sight after demonstrating his device to the public and also many of his attempts to make different kinds of tubes to suit the purpose. The fundamental function of the discharge tube is to make the charges to spread out from the inner (smaller) electrode toward the acceptor electrode without making the continuous stream of the electrical current. This process can be made faster if the discharge time is succinct. Still the fundamental physical limit is the passage time of the flight of the electrons toward the outer electrode. Also in the choice of the metallic component of the electrode, it would be better to have a metal that has highest work function potential perhaps like tungsten. On the other hand this type of metal can have uncontrollable discharge characteristics. In other words, we want a device that breaks down without delay at exactly the same voltage every time. Any kind of jitter in this process means the less efficient delivery of energy to the tank circuit. After many thoughts, I came to the conclusion that the external triggering method is better for the purpose of controlling the discharging frequency and the exact timing. In general, depending on the radiation environment surrounding the discharge tube, the triggering timing changes drastically. In fact, presence of ultra violet light, beta decay source drastically enhance the discharge characteristic of the tubes. In fact, the Geiger counter head has already been utilizing this effect. High voltage is constantly applied in between the two electrodes inside the head and as soon as a radiation enters the chamber, it triggers the avalanche discharge and this is counted as one radiation. Of course if there are more than one beta decay at the same time, this counter will not accurately count both of the decays. But it can be made pretty much close to the actual numbers. In Hubbard case, I mentioned that he used radium coated spark gap. The effect of this is to make it easy to control the trigger timing because by coating the radioactive material like radium at the electrode, he could make the gap distance wider and thereby make the switching off effect more abrupt, in such a way that he didn't have to use a fan to blow off the continuous conduction through the plasmatized air like in the case of Tesla.

Kuhn's Theory of Scientific Revolution

Kuhn begins by formulating some assumptions that lay the foundation for subsequent discussion and by briefly outlining the key contentions of the book. A scientific community cannot practice its trade without some set of received beliefs. These beliefs form the foundation of the "educational initiation that prepares and licenses the student for professional practice". The nature of the "rigorous and rigid" preparation helps ensure that the received beliefs exert a "deep hold" on the student's mind. Normal science "is predicated on the assumption that the scientific community knows what the world is like" —scientists take great pains to defend that assumption. To this end, "normal science often suppresses fundamental novelties because they are necessarily subversive of its basic commitments". Research is "a strenuous and devoted attempt to force nature into the conceptual boxes supplied by professional education". A shift in professional commitments to shared assumptions takes place when an anomaly "subverts the existing tradition of scientific practice". These shifts are what Kuhn describes as scientific revolutions—"the tradition-shattering complements to the tradition-bound activity of normal science". New assumptions (paradigms/theories) require the reconstruction of prior assumptions and the reevaluation of prior facts. This is difficult and time consuming. It is also strongly resisted by the established community. When a shift takes place, "a scientist's world is qualitatively transformed [and] quantitatively enriched by fundamental novelties of either fact or theory". The form of resistance can take many different faces depending on the contemporary cultural environment. It could be in the form of a religious prosecution, when the dominant religion defines the thoughts and beliefs of the society. But then, "religion" is a part of human psychic which appears in many different facets regardless of the areas of the practice of trade or human lives.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Conceptual Unification of the Four Fundamental Forces of the Nature

Once the Maxwell's equation is generalized to be symmetric with respect to electricity and magnetism, where the magnetic monopole in static form is provided by neutrons and that of moving magnetic current is provided by north magnetic pole neutrinos, the enduring puzzle of quantum mechanical uncertainty becomes a natural consequence of this particular configuration of the universe. After all, it is the random gas like motion of the magnetic monopole neutrinos that create such uncertainty of elementary particles and the stability of atoms where the electrons do not collapse into the nucleus. The inertia of an electron which defines the mass of an electron is caused by the random magnetic monopole current in the background of the universe. By the same token, the mass of the hadrons are also defined by the inherent resistance of the hadronic particles motion due to the magnetic monopole neutrinos in space. In effect, electromagnetic effect of magnetic monopole neutrinos becomes the cause of gravitational phenomenon. 

The original reason for the speculation of the existence of the weak interaction was from the observation of the beta decay of neutron into proton and electron. After all, it seems that the symmetric Maxwell's equations that incorporates the static magnetic monopole charge of neutrons and the moving magnetic monopole current from neutrinos provide the entire spectrum of the four fundamental forces in nature.  

Gravitational phenomenon is caused by the density variation of magnetic monopole neutrinos in space. Lower density of the magnetic monopole region in space becomes the center of the gravitational attraction and vice versa. This conceptual picture explains the phenomenon of dipole gravity. The rotating hemispherical object creates the lower density magnetic monopole tachyonic neutrinos region in the direction of the wider flat side compared to the domed side of the hemisphere. Therefore, naturally the flat side of the rotating hemisphere or cone becomes the attractive side of the dipole, which is essentially the cause of the cause of jets and flat galactic plane and the rings of Saturn etc., 

The deeper mystery may be in the strong interactions. How tachyonic magnetic monopole neutrinos are related to strong nuclear force? The mystery in quark model of hadronic particles is in the fact that the adding up three quarks never match up with the actual mass of the proton or neutron. There is large difference in mass that can not be made up to explain the mass of the hadrons.  

This brings back the case of calculating the quantity of dark energy in the universe. It turned out that this energy is provided by the bosonic interactions among the traveling neutrinos. The fast traveling tachyonic neutrinos produce electric field along their paths and these electric field interact among themselves to create enormous amount of invisible dark energy.

By remembering that gluons are also bosons, it is possible that the fast moving quarks inside the hadronic boundary can create magnetic field along their path inside the hadronic boundary since the quarks are electrically charged. Although it is a three body problem since there are three quarks inside the proton and neutron, the total energy may be calculable. The merit of this speculation is that at least it provides us with the conceptual idea where the extra (mass) energy is stored inside the hadron. In terms of the conceptual picture, the proton or neutron becomes a ball of random magnetic field created by the three fast moving quarks. This ball of constantly moving magnetic field could form a strong block for the magnetic monopole neutrinos to pass through which becomes essentially the cause of the hadronic mass.   

Therefore, it is essentially the symmetric form of Maxwell's equation that conceptually explains the four fundamental forces of the nature.