Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spiritual Analysis of the Biblical Story of Adam and Eve

The concept of the “Original Sin” in the biblical story of Adam and Eve is a powerful metaphor. It has never been proven to be true in any kind of forensic and/or scientific analysis, yet it rings bell to many human minds “well it could well be the truth otherwise why would I suffer so much in this life?”, because for most of the people living in this world, more or less, life is a struggle for survival.

This vague yet unverifiable story can be potentially a powerful subliminal message to control your mind as well as your body. It suggests that you are guilty of sin that you don’t even aware of just by birth and becoming a human being. Because you are guilty by birth no matter what you do, you have to listen and do the things that I tell you to do where I’m being whoever in charge of delivering you that message.

Basically it tells whoever reads it, you are not free of guilt no matter what you do and you are subject to punishment because of that.
Once you read this story and get hooked into it, you have to listen all the way to the end to learn how to be saved from it.

It is a powerful mind game to control your mind and body.
God says to Adam and Eve, “you will die if you eat that fruit” without giving a word of explanation on why and how. God’s basic premise is that “you don’t have to know” or “you don’t deserve to know” or “it’s a secret you should not know”. Secrecy is a back bone of a control. Rampant secret societies in the world basically use this principle of “it’s a secret you should not know” game on their members. It’s a way of manipulation used by some entities who wants to control other entity to take advantage of the unfortunate subject. If you want to take advantage of someone, you can’t divulge everything in your mind before hand. That’s the basic rule number one of the control principle. It looks like the biblical God was playing this game with Adam and Eve.

On the other hand, Satan tells Adam and Eve, you will not die but you will become aware of good and evil. Obviously according to Satan, God didn’t want Adam and Eve to have the conscience which is the basic mechanism of the human mind that they use everyday to tell good and evil. 

And surprisingly Adam and Eve didn’t die but became wiser by being able to tell good and evil. And that was the cause of the original sin inherited to all the human beings.

In effect, God lied to Adam and Eve but Satan was telling the truth. This also sends a strong message that whoever telling the truth is not welcome within this religious order. Is it surprising that the whistle blowers who divulges the truth are always demonized in this society? The sinister control agenda is apparent because what the whistle blowers are doing in essence is the disruption of the control structure where the majority of the group of the people are under the control of the minority of the sinister group of people.

I’m an advocate of the truth in all the spiritual, philosophical and physical scientific matters. This story of Adam and Eve sends people the strong message that if you are in the upper hand of a group of people you can tell lies as well. These days, governments are telling lies to the people all the time and it has become a norm and it’s not even surprising.

Once your subject become wise and being able to tell good and evil, the subject can no longer be treated as subject.
He/she becomes independent and free.

The God in the Old Testament had the ulterior motive to control humans by any means but it was thwarted by Satan’s intervention. In fact, Satan was another creative invention of the Old Testament writers to vilify whoever doesn’t obey their religious order and divulge the truth. But the fact is that humans are created and born to have conscience from the beginning and the story of the forbidden fruit was a pretext to subjugate humans who already have conscience. To make humans fold back and suppress any intelligence, conscience and brain that they have already inherited in their DNA. And then to make them obey blindly.

This can hardly be considered an act of a benevolent God. I tell my kids all the details of why certain things they shouldn’t do because I love them. I don’t tell them just do as I say. This kind of saga continues throughout the old testaments, cheater and killers are awarded as long as they are blindly obedient to God. The Old Testament is a very sophisticated text to enslave any humans who fall into it. It is a cleverly designed text for that purpose and for that purpose only.

This principle was adapted by Ignatius Loyola to establish his infamous Jesuits order.

This kind of practice can not be the control principle of a government or any government, let alone the world government. It won’t work. Its final destiny is the destruction of the whole humanity unless they are stopped dead on their track.