Friday, April 10, 2009

Futuristic Vision

It is not hard to see the connection between the present day rocket technology and the Newton's third law of motion for any one who has a decent amount of education. But it is hard to say if the people in Newton's time had envisioned the travel to the moon using the very principle written in Principia they just witnessed from a scientist. In this respect, in parallel, what we can envision as a scientist from the theory of dipole gravity in the future will be the travel to the far reaching space without the bulky rocket propulsion.

Since the base technologies(computers, electromechanics, fiber optics, metallugy etc.) have been developed extremely fast in the recent years, I believe it won't take very long before we can achieve that goal. How fast can we reach that goal depends on when will we start toward that direction and how much resources are we willing to spend for it. Maybe in this difficult economic times, we may have to start this project as a national goal as a means to recovery from the recession as well as for the hope for the future of mankind.

The brute force application of the principle of dipole gravity would be practically impossible due to the engineering difficulty if not the sheer effectiveness problem. On the other hand, the theory of dipole gravity suggests the actual existence of the etheric particles that I would like to call the tachyonic neutrinos. The manipulation of the density of the tachyonic particles will be at the central importance in the future propulsion technology.

But we can't see it and we can't touch it, then how can we manipulate it?

The central importance to this technology can actually be found from the particle physics. According to the Standard Model of the Leptonic particles, neutrinos are not totally independent from the electronic particles. The so called standard model of the Electro-Weak theory suggests that there is a non trivial relation between the weak and the electromagnetic interactions. What it fundamentally suggests is that the neutrinos can be manipulated using the electromagnetic means.

We already have had the theory of electromagnetism for a long time but we do not have fully developed the model showing how the behavior of the electromagnetic field influence the motion of the individual tahcyonic neutrinos. Here we need the fundamental change to the concept that the neutrinos are not completely gone when the beta decay occurs. They are with us in every steps of the space we move. All the material particles and matters float in the sea of the neutrinos.

Once we get this far, it is a matter of studying the behavior of the neutrinos density in relation to the electromagnetic field we create in space. This might turn out to be extremely simple.

Now, let's focus on the topics of the practicality of spending billions of dollars for the gravitational wave detection. We have to be very practical and conservative in this respect because we may be able to satisfy our curiosity if general relativity is actually correct in predicting the existence of the gravitational wave but we may not get anything beneficial to our civilization.

So the most important question here is what will we get after the detection of the gravitational wave?

If we had the infinite amount of spending capacity, I would not object to the project for the LIGO or LISA. But as they(the advisory committee) recommended for the defunding of the GP-B project citing the plausible reason that there are many other research project in science that needs attention. Using exactly the same logic, I would like to suggest that it is time to be very objective for the funding of the LISA and LIGO. Like in any investment in business, scientific project needs to have a serious review on what we will get with the amount of money we spend on the project.

First, we will be able to satisfy our scieintific curiosity on if general relativity was correct on this specific prediction on the existence of the gravitational wave.

What next? Tax payers spent billions for the toy that scientist enjoyed. But they have nothing get back from it.

Furthermore, I don't see any more futuristic interest as a follow up from LISA and LIGO. I haven't read anything that has been suggested either. We can't use gravitational wave for the purpose of the deep space communication. It may be too early to say there is none. But at least there is no remote theoretical prospect that has been proposed for such an application. Then what else?

Compared to this gloomy prospect for LISA and LIGO, the excitement and futuristic benefit for the dipole gravity research is mind boggling.

So, I would like to propose the establishment of a govenmental scale institution named "Center for Dipole Gravity Research" and a substantial amount of funding designated for it. Even if we spend ten percent of the fund that is anticipated for the next step project LISA and LIGO, the outcome will greatly benefit the future of human kind.

If we can manage to halt the funding for LISA and LIGO altogether, and invest it in totality in the dipole gravity research and its possible propulsion system, as well as for all the following technologies, the future of our civilization will be as bright as the Sun.


No Baloney! said...

I'd like to correct a few incorrect statements in the above article. First, it is not correct that "billions of dollars have been spent in LIGO and LISA". Budgets from Federal Agencies are available to the public, a well-documented writer should know where to check. Second, the LIGO and LISA experiments have, are, and always will, "have a serious review". The idea that taxpayer money is being wasted in gravitational-wave experiments without proper scrutiny is just bogus. This cannot be said of "Dipole Gravity". And, please, do not say that the scientific community is boycotting it. (This is the last resort of proponents of bogus ideas). Third, the existence of gravitational waves has been scientifically proved, and is accepted by the majority of (serious) scientific community. Again, this cannot be said of "Dipole Research Gravity". I'm afraid this would really be wasted money. Finally, although technological applications of gravitational waves are far away, research and development of the instruments used to discover them is beneficial to industry and present technology. Moreover, we never know what technology may come out from scientific discoveries. Tell that to Luigi Galvani's frog legs.

Eue Jin Jeong said...

It should be reminded that LIGO/LISA is just one of the many scientific research projects that have been proposed out of the hundreds of the equally important projects in other fields of science. So, the argument that the potential side technology that may come out of LISA/LIGO justifies the whole funding is ludicrous because you can say exactly the same with all other "frivolous" research projects (you may say that). For the sake of fairness, can we have an open congressional hearing to decide which project needs more attention between the gravitational wave and dipole gravity? I'm sure there will be hundreds of physicists willing to support the funding for dipole gravity if the whole story is told. To be brutally fair, the idea of dipole gravity which is the second order long range gravity force has been actively suppressed by the very gravitational community because of the very reason. You simply can't win in the open debate. A while ago, as I posted in the blog, there was a debate with Dr. Herbert Pfister of Tubingen University who is a long time expert in this field. He challenged the idea of dipole gravity and after a few rounds he withdrew from the debate basically admitting the defeat. He confessed that he was the one who rejected the paper when it was submitted to one of the Deutch journals in 1998. After that, not a single soul volunteered and I’m still waiting for the brave soul. Why don’t you volunteer yourself for the debate?
Even if you have a rudimentary education in math, the derivation of the Lense-Thirring force from the two oppositely superposed dipoles is so obvious that even a high school student can see exactly what it means. If you think dipole gravity is a bogus, either you haven't bothered to take a look at it or you simply don't have the basic understanding of math.

Funding for a scientific research project is like an investment in a corporation. You don’t fund a corporation expecting a benefit from the “potential” side technology.

You need to have a clear profit/cost analysis and the final technical results of the funding in a serious investment decision. Many corporations fail even after the scrutiny of the elaborate technical analysis. Otherwise, you lose time and money in the end and there is no reward for the losers, and this is No Baloney. Be reminded that a government is a kind of a corporation who needs to invest for the long term benefit of a society. They are not there to satisfy your frivolous curiosity with an obscure goal of scientific progress.

Dr. Eue Jin Jeong