Saturday, June 5, 2010

Knowledge of the Garden of Eden. What is Good and What is Evil?

This is a very old philosophical question that has been asked and answered in the book "Republic" written by Plato. In his long deductive argument, it boils down to the following point, "Is it possible for a pure evil to sustain its own existence?".

If the deception, dishonesty and the self sabotage are the characteristics of the evil, how evil itself can stand by its own, because the evil entity will be divided and fight among themselves until the whole system of the evil falls apart. So, ultimately the evil is an unsustainable entity that can not exist by its own and that's why it is evil.

This was the essential core of the Plato's argument. The life of evil, if it can ever exist, is ephemeral. Even for an instant moment of existence, it needs a certain amount of virtue borrowed from the "Goodness". So, in human society, it is possible for evil to sustain a certain amount of time due to the following reasons.

It is the principle of self preservation based on the premises of the LIMITED RESOURCES.

If you examine the movie "God Father" closely, at certain point, you will gasp, after a while imagining how could such an evil entity can stay alive in the first place. However, you realize that the only mode of the justification for their evil activity in that setting is the survival. The survival is the justification for any action within the premises of the whole group. But as you see there are as powerful enemy in their neighborhood threatening their existence, and their life is always in danger. There is no genuine peace in the whole group of the mafia other than the facade of festivity. The movie shows you the picture of the joyous party where women are dancing and children are happy in the surroundings. It is a surreal picture of the gruesome aspect of this type of environment where mafia is freely roaming within the society.

Let's assume that there is a society where people's life is not threatened by the lack of the resources. You don't have to go to the street for begging by being unemployed. The life and death situation by being out of your job is not there. Your minimum and beyond of the resources are provided for free. I'm not dreaming here about the conventional wisdom of the communism.

If the energy resource for every body is infinitely available, what will be the people's obsession toward the next.

There is no justification for deception and self sabotage. People will be able to see through other's evil intent very quickly. Any kind of deception will be caught. Any wrong doings of the people will not be unnoticed. It will be a transparent society. There is very little purpose that the corporation will extort people for the benefit of the profit.

The prevalent mode of the operation of the society in such world will be peace and tranquility and mostly in helping and improving the lives of the fellow human beings.

Most of the petty crimes in this world is from the necessity of the survival which can't really be categorized as crime because every one else in this world is in the same ultimate fight for the survival. The only difference is who is in the side of the political right. So, the political corruption will be rampant in such a society to have an edge over the rest of the competitors. The drug makers will do everything to make sure their drugs will sell regardless of the knowledge that there could be much cheaper and safer alternative medicine in the world. They could go so far as to actively suppress such information because it may danger their pharmaceutical business. The oil company will on the other hand may have vested interest in suppressing the information that may danger their oil and gasoline related enterprise. The only losing party is the consumer at the cost of all of their labors to enrich the big businesses.

How can all these be reversed?

I think the answer is in the development of the tachyonic energy source. And ultimately the revision of our entire physics text books away from the unfit law of energy conservation which was not very well defined in the first place. The reason for this has been explained many times but here it goes again, how the law of the energy conservation can be defined when the container is fundamentally leaky? The air tight plastics, stainless steel and glass are all leaky for the magnetic field as well as for the general electromagnetic fields. Now, in this situation, what is the meaning of the energy conservation? The range of the influence of the electromagnetic field is infinite. So, how do you define the energy conservation? What is the limited volume of this energy to perfectly prove that the energy is conserved? You can't define the infinite volume for the energy container. Therefore, you can not define the energy conservation for the electromagnetic field and its energy content rigorously.

If the electric capacitors can accumulate more energy than the energy needed to charge them, as proved in the physical theory of the tachyonic energy device, why are we struggling with the lack of the energy source?

Why should the US worry about the national debt or that of any nations for that matter? Why anyone has to go sleep cold in the winter of the night? Why anyone should be thirsty for the lack of the clean water? Why the crops should go dry when there is not enough rain. The limitless energy can be used to desalinate the sea water and pump it to irrigate all the farms for free in all the nations of the world.

You can't make the device for free certainly but the energy itself is free just like the air we breath is free. What is the point of all these argument about the off shore drilling, alternative energy, etc?

The energy is free for all of us humans to use for the eons. If there is anything that prevents this from being achieved, I would call it the evilest force in the universe no matter what may be involved in their agenda.

This information has been sent personally to the US energy secretary and the Nobel physics laureate Paul Chu, the disclosure project proponent Steven Greer, the self proclaimed physicist and the project Camelot contributor George Green, the author of the book "The Coming Energy Revolution" Jeane Manning, the fierce whistle blower of the NASA's Cobe Experiment fraud, Bibhas De and my beloved Ph.D physicist friends who can not dispute the physical truth of the capacitor anomaly.

Where are they? And what are their priorities of life in this urgent time of crisis of humanity in the history of mankind?

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